Emergency preparedness kit


Although this guide is meant to be informative, it is not intended to be the final authority. Owners and residents should be prepared to seek expert advice or opinions in the appropriate areas.

Preparing your family emergency preparedness plan

Disaster can strike quickly and without warning. It can force you to evacuate your neighbourhood or confine you to your home. What would you do if basic services-water, gas, electricity or telephone-were cut off? Local officials and relief workers will be on the scene after a disaster, but they cannot reach everyone right away.

Families can and do cope with disaster by preparing in advance and working together as a team. Follow the steps listed in the plan below to create your family's disaster plan. Knowing what to do is your best protection and your responsibility.

Find out what could happen to you

Contact your local Red Cross chapter, and be prepared to take notes on the following:

  • Ask what types of disasters are most likely to happen. Request information on how to prepare for each occurrence.

  • Learn about your building's warning signals i.e. fire alarm: what they sound like and what you should do when you hear them.

  • Ask about animal care after a disaster. Animals may not be allowed inside emergency shelters due to health regulations.

  • Find out how to help elderly or disabled persons, if needed.

  • Next, find out about the disaster plans at your workplace, your children's school or daycare center and other places where your family spends time.

Create a disaster plan

  • Meet with your family and discuss why you need to prepare for disaster. Explain the dangers of fire, severe weather and earthquakes to children. Plan to share responsibilities and work together as a team.

  • Discuss the types of disasters that are most likely to happen. Explain what to      do in each case.

  • Pick two places to meet: Right outside your building in case of a sudden emergency, like a fire; and some other known place in case you can't return to your building. Everyone must know the address and phone number.

  • Ask an out-of-province friend to be your family's contact after a disaster. It's often easier to call long distance. Other family members should call this person and tell them where they are. Everyone must know your contact's phone number.

  • Discuss what to do in an evacuation. Plan how to care for your pets.


  • Post emergency telephone numbers by your phones (fire, police, ambulance, etc.)

  • Teach children how and when to call “9-1-1.”

  • Determine the closest exit route and post the fire safety plan on the inside of unit door for quick reference.

  • Teach each family member how to use the fire extinguisher (ABC type) and show them where it's kept.

  • Show responsible family member how to turn off water.

  • Conduct a home hazard hunt. During a disaster, ordinary objects in your home can cause injury or damage. Anything that can move, fall, break or cause a fire is a home hazard. For example, a lamp or a bookshelf can fall. Inspect your home at least once a year and fix potential hazards. Contact your local fire department to learn about home fire hazards.

  • Stock emergency supplies and assemble a Disaster Supplies Kit. Take a Red Cross first aid and CPR class.

  • Find the safe spots in your unit for each type of disaster. Check if you have adequate insurance coverage.

Practice and maintain your plan

  • Quiz your family every six months so they remember what to do.

  • Conduct quarterly fire and emergency evacuation drills.

  • Replace stored water every three months and stored food every six months.

  • Test and recharge your fire extinguisher(s) according to manufacturer's instructions.

  • Test your smoke detectors monthly.

  • Test your carbon monoxide detectors monthly.

Emergency supply kit

Emergency Supply Kit Keep enough supplies to meet your needs for at least three days. Store these supplies in sturdy, easy-to­ carry containers such as back-packs, duffel bags or covered trash containers.


  • A three-day supply of water (one gallon per person per day) and food that won't spoil.

  • One change of clothing and footwear per person, and one blanket or sleeping bag per person.

  • A first aid kit that includes your family's prescription medications. Ensure that family prescriptions are kept separate and out of the reach of children.

  • Emergency tools including a battery-powered radio, flashlight and plenty of extra batteries.

  • An extra set of car keys and a credit card, cash or traveler's cheques.

  • Sanitation supplies.

  • Special items for infant, elderly or disabled family members.

  • An extra pair of glasses.

  • Keep important family documents in a waterproof container. Keep a smaller kit in the trunk of your car.